2024.04.11 まとまった3時間半を作れずにいる

I've passed the exam. I've got 2 association level AWS certificationes. It's enough to prove my skill but I want proffesional certificationes. But these exams take about 210 minutes. How long time! Who can concentrate such long?


2024.04.08 充分にスコアを取れない

I'm going to Shinjuku to take the exam of AWS Developer Associate. I don't have confidence though. I've heard that the last exam I took almost cover the exam. So I wonder I don't have to study hard but I haven't be able to score enough yet.

Last weekend I neet my friends to see sakura. We took walk from Osaki to Tennozu Aile and then were drinking at Ebisu all night. It was fun.

新宿に向かっている。今回はDeveloper Associateを受ける。けどあんまり自信ない。SAAが試験範囲のほとんどをカバーしてると聞いたけど、模試を受けると結構違う。まだ十分にスコアを取れてない。


2024.04.05 3年経ってやっと慣れる

I got angry yesterday. Why what I said couldn't be understood? It's super common things for people who create IT service.

I didn't want to do anything. But I studied for the exam after reflashing. Lately, I do running and take into bathtub everyday. Finally I used to work from house after beggining. For 3 years needed.



2024.04.04 英語が読める日と読めない日がある

I tried developer associate practce exam for the frist time yesterday. I scored fifty. It's worth than I thought. I expected sixty but I couldn't. I've booked the exam next Monday so I have to study harder though the range of the exam is covered by SAA I passed before.

And I found that there are days I can understand English easly or not. Is it solved by practicing English everyday?


2024.04.01 今週末は寝過ごす

I passed AWS SAA certication lastweek. I assumed that I failed the exam when I fnished it. So I was nurvous. But I passed!

I slept all day this weekend. It may be for tired and temparature. Winter has gone. Some people in a train are asleep than it usual.

AWSのSAAに受かった。最初は普通に落ちたと思ったが、受かってた。次はDevelopper associateを受けるつもり。


2024.03.26 ショックな事件を聞く

I had drunk all day last Weekend. I heard some shocked problem but I'm fine.

Problems about man and woman are super difficult for me. I don't expect anything. I didn't reallize other people fiilings, do I? I lost my confidence.

I'm going out for drinking tonight. I have a longtime no see the people who I see tonight. They wear my co-workers in my fresh year at my work. Really exiciting.



2024.03.22 3,4日勉強したら受かるだろう

I've score 73% to pass AWS SAA certificate at practical exam. I wondred I could pass the exam if I'd studied for 3 or 4 days. It may be true.

I've booked the exam next Thirsday. Untill the day, I'll get to score more.

And I decided to pass other exam like Develpper Associate and DevOps Engineer Professional. Because they are worth than Solution Arcitect for me. They include Code Brothers and Serverlesv. Especially, about Lambda have to dive deep. It's nice.

My staying at Kinugawa Onsen was sucseeded. It was nice stay. I'll do such nice stay anywere again.

