2024.04.08 充分にスコアを取れない

I'm going to Shinjuku to take the exam of AWS Developer Associate. I don't have confidence though. I've heard that the last exam I took almost cover the exam. So I wonder I don't have to study hard but I haven't be able to score enough yet.

Last weekend I neet my friends to see sakura. We took walk from Osaki to Tennozu Aile and then were drinking at Ebisu all night. It was fun.

新宿に向かっている。今回はDeveloper Associateを受ける。けどあんまり自信ない。SAAが試験範囲のほとんどをカバーしてると聞いたけど、模試を受けると結構違う。まだ十分にスコアを取れてない。
