
2024.04.28 独特なコミュニケーションの子たち


2024.04.27 32歳ワーキングホリデーおじさん


2024.04.25 その前のセリフも好きだった

仕事を辞めるか悩み続けている。会社の人に相談するわけにもいかないのでもやもやとしている。もうこれ以上いても、上に行くための社内政治が必要なだけだと思うと本当に辞めてしまいたい。しかし、ほんとうに辞めていいのか?と問いかける自分もいる。 ユー…

2024.04.21 色んな切り込みが入っている


2024.04.16 業務で使わないものを勉強しない

I've gived up to pass the professional level AWS exam. It was tough for me. I don't wanna understand services that I don't use like AWS organization, AWS config, and so on. And then I started to study algorithms and data structure in Java.…

2024.04.15 それがユーザーリサーチの結果であっても

場当たり的に要件決めることはやめたい。それがユーザーリサーチの結果であっても。代数的構造を持っていて欲しい。これはプログラマの美的センスによるものなのか。 プラガブルなシステムはプラグインの統一性を強制してはいない。強すぎるしそうなものは流…

2024.04.13 燃え尽き症候群というやつなんだろう

I couldn't work well this week. I may exhousted to do something because I'd studied harder lately to pass the exams. I decided to rest this weekend. I don't study anymore. But I'm going to the study meeting for debating. It's like not stud…

2024.04.11 まとまった3時間半を作れずにいる

I've passed the exam. I've got 2 association level AWS certificationes. It's enough to prove my skill but I want proffesional certificationes. But these exams take about 210 minutes. How long time! Who can concentrate such long? AWSの資格…

2024.04.08 充分にスコアを取れない

I'm going to Shinjuku to take the exam of AWS Developer Associate. I don't have confidence though. I've heard that the last exam I took almost cover the exam. So I wonder I don't have to study hard but I haven't be able to score enough yet…

2024.04.05 3年経ってやっと慣れる

I got angry yesterday. Why what I said couldn't be understood? It's super common things for people who create IT service. I didn't want to do anything. But I studied for the exam after reflashing. Lately, I do running and take into bathtub…

2024.04.04 英語が読める日と読めない日がある

I tried developer associate practce exam for the frist time yesterday. I scored fifty. It's worth than I thought. I expected sixty but I couldn't. I've booked the exam next Monday so I have to study harder though the range of the exam is c…

2024.04.01 今週末は寝過ごす

I passed AWS SAA certication lastweek. I assumed that I failed the exam when I fnished it. So I was nurvous. But I passed! I slept all day this weekend. It may be for tired and temparature. Winter has gone. Some people in a train are aslee…

2024.03.26 ショックな事件を聞く

I had drunk all day last Weekend. I heard some shocked problem but I'm fine. Problems about man and woman are super difficult for me. I don't expect anything. I didn't reallize other people fiilings, do I? I lost my confidence. I'm going o…

2024.03.22 3,4日勉強したら受かるだろう

I've score 73% to pass AWS SAA certificate at practical exam. I wondred I could pass the exam if I'd studied for 3 or 4 days. It may be true. I've booked the exam next Thirsday. Untill the day, I'll get to score more. And I decided to pass…

2024.03.20 まだ60%しか点が取れてない

I'm at Kinugawa Onsen to concentrate to study for passing AWS Solution Architect examination. I've got a week holidays so I'm far from Tokyo where has a lot of interesting things. Here is super silence and great onsen area. It's good for s…

2024.03.17 金曜日に行きたかった

I perticipated in ya8 in Nerima yesterday. I met my coworkers there. The conference was so so. I wonder Friday seemed better than Suturday becaus agenda was more interested. Now, I'm gonna Toshimaen to go to Hally Potter theme park. きのう…

2024.03.12 同僚にデバイスを渡す

My colleague, who has started to work at same year in my company, has promoted! So we gatered and cellablted him. Congrats! We drunk untill this morning. It was nice drinking. I'm going to my office. I'm gonna have a team member have some …

20204.03.11 どうなるかでなくどうするか

Today is specic day. Every year, I remeber my memory about after the earthquake. I wonder I've became a person who I wanted to. Can I think what to do. Not what to be. 地震の日を思い出す。どうなるかでなくどうするか、常に考えているか?

2024.03.09 悩んでから学ぶから苦しい

When I learn algorithm and data structure, I've make a mistake, I found it. I've studied them soving some excercise. But I should focus to study the concept of an algorithms and data structures without cmding. The video that I'm watching t…

2024.03.07 Googleマップに書いといてくれ

No way. I'm at Toshimaen station to go to Niwanoyu Onsen but they are in maintainance days. I didn't know that. They should say that information at google map. Yesterday's meeting was pretty good. I approved thir meridge. I really enjoyed …

2024.03.06 後輩の婚約届の承認になる

I went to Sendagi again yestesday. We had a meeting to prepare next term to improve our product. That was nice meeting. We created the plan. It's good. Today, I'm gonna be a person who approve a maridgement of a couple. My Kohai asked me t…

2024.03.04 購買オプション知らなかった

I restarted to study to get a certification of AWS. I found I didn't know EC2 buying option. The difference between saving plan and reserved instance is interesting. I'm going to my office to go out for drinking after working. My team some…

2024.03.03 100回以上の面接経験

Today, I worked for recruitment. 25 minutes * 10times meetings were my part. It was super hard task. Japanese people are literature crazy. But actually I had used thit recruitment service when I was an university student. After all, I didn…

2024.03.01 Appleは早くこの挙動直せ

I found Apple Watch somtimes forgot the setting for express mode for suica. I prevented from going through a gate for a station. I'm really elletated this behaviour. Apple should fix this problem, huh? My girl went back Copenhagen yesterda…

2023.02.28 一緒に何かしてチームワークを改善する

I run outside last night. How comfortable to run. I'd forgot this feelings. I wanna get back this habit. I'm goning to Sendagi to meet our group members. Our goroup sometimes held offsite meetings to improve our relationships. 昨日は走った…

2024.02.24 評判は悪くない

This week, I talked my team's development process on my company's tech conference. I had prepared for it. That's why I went to some conferencies lately. My presentation seems like good. Internal feed bakc is not bad. My boss said your pres…

2024.02.19 3月にはもう日本にいない

Suturday, my girl and I went to excivision of Takuma Nakahira. His works doesn't excite me but it's rare to see them lately. Yesterday, I bought new shoes for her. It was my white day gift. It's little fast but in March she won't be Japan.…

2024.02.16 新春シャンソンショーって実存するんだ

I've participated Developers Summit in Haneda Airport at 15 and 16 of Febrary. Haneda is so far from Ikebukro. Yesterday, presentations were so so. YAPC's ones were better than it. But It's common because YAPC is paid event but DevSumi's f…

2024.02.14 やれるからという理由でやっている

今日から仕事するぞーという気持ちだったが、いきなりミーティング続きでクタクタになってしまった。 得意じゃないけどやれるからという理由でやっていることが多い気がする。やはりこのコロナ禍になってからの2,3年あまり元気がでないなあという感じがする…

2024.02.13 気軽に牡蠣が食べられる

I returend to Tokyo yesterday. Hiroshima was really nice place. I like there because I can eat oisters as soon as I think I wanna eat them. They have many shops where sell oisters and there costs are incredible, really cheap. Ofcouse, its …