
2024.02.12 引退した潜水艦を使った展示

I've stayed at Hiroshima untill today. Yesterday, I visited Kure to see Yamato the battleship. I enjoyed riding tour ship. And then I rutured Hiroshima to go out for drinking. I went 5 bars. Now, I'm going Itsukushima Jinja. I remember my …

2024.02.11 全てのセッションが面白かった

I perticipated YAPC Hiroshima. It was really fantastic. I really enjoyed all sessgon and conbersation with other perticipaters. Mr. Takesako, who was my teacher at seccamp 2014 and is my coworker now, also perticipated so he introduced me …

2024.02.08 作られた不確実性を見抜く必要がある

I cut my hair. I'm gonna meet my girl's dad on next tuesday. I've prepared my looks. I'm goning to Ginza to go out for drinking and meet my team members. We all get a certification of scrum. I made them go to training corse last month. We …

2024.02.07 同じデスクに横並び

My girl had stayed my home for a week. We worked and studied at a same desk. I'm going to a conference about SAFe today. It's a sacled method for agile develop process. Our team uses S@S but I'd like to compare it to other process. 彼女が1…

2024.02.02 30までもてばいい方

Yesterday, I suddenly noticed that my working holiday period pemain 3 days because my brithday is 4th of Febrary. They can apply it before they become 31 years old. I quickly prepared the application form and some documents needed. I wonde…

2024.01.29 地球に留学してるみたい

Yesterday, I went to Harajuku and Shinjuku with my girlfriend. We took a walk and then watched a movie. The movie's title is Seiyoku, which means collectly greed, written by Ryo Asai. That was nice movie. I like the phrase that "I feel lik…

2024.01.28 そこそこのモチベーションのものを二つあわせる

I told my boss my worring that my girlfriend and I haven't been able to get the time together. And I asked him to allow me work from abroad. But his answer wasn't good. My moving plan gonna be reallity. So I restart to study English again.…

2024.01.19 今は今の仕事に集中する

日本に帰ってきて1週間。習慣がもとに戻りつつある。もっとバリバリと活動したいのになんでこうまったりとしてしまうのかねえ。 仕事ものんびりやっている。もっとバリバリ働きたいのにねえ。昨日クックパッドの前のCTOの記事を見たらCTOやりながらコード書…

2024.01.15 身体と脳みそを分離する感覚

親が来ていた。土日は親に付き合って銀座や神楽坂をふらついて時差ボケの眠気をやっつけた。今日は3時に起きてしまったものの昨夜は7時に寝たので概ね対応できている。やはりがっつり昼に眠ってしまうのが良くない。 朝起きて朝ごはんのために買い出しに行っ…

2024.01.10 そろそろ何かやろう

I'm at Gran Canalia. I spent my vacation here. It was really exited. I gonna go back Japan today. I'm waiting the time to flighgt. I stayed at my friend house. There is a beach in front of his house. I swimed everyday. I learned to shnowke…