2023.09.06 10代で身につけた習慣は変えられない

I'm going to my office today as well. I'm in the habbit to go.

When I can get coecentration in the after noon, I can keep it untill night. It's not changed from when I was a university student. I found it impossible to change the habbit I created when I was a teenager.

I tried n8n to improve our team's JIRA usage, but I found it has got few acctions for JIRA. I dissapointed.

But I also found ChatGPT is really convinience. I became not to rmember all things to implement tools. Like, I don't completlly remember how to write docer- compose.yml but I realize when I want to process containers on same environment, I should use it. I just must remember this. It's good for me.