2023.10.08 西武線で遊びにいく

I'm going to Koma where is near Hanno to see Higanbanas. I found the place on Google map and  decide to go there because it's like beautiful and interesting. The are a lot of the flowers by the river. It's animetic like Kimetsu! I wanna see that!

And Koma Satation is Seibu Ikebukuro line. The line is convinience for me. Because the Ikebukuro station of the line is near my home and the trafic fee is super cheap. So when I wanna go somewhere like rural area, I search the place where I'll get interesting by the line.

高麗駅に向かっている。飯能から一駅行ったところにある。彼岸花を見にいくのだ。google mapで見つけた。川沿いに彼岸花が一面に咲いているらしい。鬼滅のEDにそんな描写があった気がする。アニメチックな光景で楽しみだ。
