2024.02.12 引退した潜水艦を使った展示

I've stayed at Hiroshima untill today. Yesterday, I visited Kure to see Yamato the battleship. I enjoyed riding tour ship. And then I rutured Hiroshima to go out for drinking. I went 5 bars. Now, I'm going Itsukushima Jinja. I remember my …

2024.02.11 全てのセッションが面白かった

I perticipated YAPC Hiroshima. It was really fantastic. I really enjoyed all sessgon and conbersation with other perticipaters. Mr. Takesako, who was my teacher at seccamp 2014 and is my coworker now, also perticipated so he introduced me …

2024.02.08 作られた不確実性を見抜く必要がある

I cut my hair. I'm gonna meet my girl's dad on next tuesday. I've prepared my looks. I'm goning to Ginza to go out for drinking and meet my team members. We all get a certification of scrum. I made them go to training corse last month. We …

2024.02.07 同じデスクに横並び

My girl had stayed my home for a week. We worked and studied at a same desk. I'm going to a conference about SAFe today. It's a sacled method for agile develop process. Our team uses S@S but I'd like to compare it to other process. 彼女が1…

2024.02.02 30までもてばいい方

Yesterday, I suddenly noticed that my working holiday period pemain 3 days because my brithday is 4th of Febrary. They can apply it before they become 31 years old. I quickly prepared the application form and some documents needed. I wonde…

2024.01.29 地球に留学してるみたい

Yesterday, I went to Harajuku and Shinjuku with my girlfriend. We took a walk and then watched a movie. The movie's title is Seiyoku, which means collectly greed, written by Ryo Asai. That was nice movie. I like the phrase that "I feel lik…

2024.01.28 そこそこのモチベーションのものを二つあわせる

I told my boss my worring that my girlfriend and I haven't been able to get the time together. And I asked him to allow me work from abroad. But his answer wasn't good. My moving plan gonna be reallity. So I restart to study English again.…

2024.01.19 今は今の仕事に集中する

日本に帰ってきて1週間。習慣がもとに戻りつつある。もっとバリバリと活動したいのになんでこうまったりとしてしまうのかねえ。 仕事ものんびりやっている。もっとバリバリ働きたいのにねえ。昨日クックパッドの前のCTOの記事を見たらCTOやりながらコード書…

2024.01.15 身体と脳みそを分離する感覚

親が来ていた。土日は親に付き合って銀座や神楽坂をふらついて時差ボケの眠気をやっつけた。今日は3時に起きてしまったものの昨夜は7時に寝たので概ね対応できている。やはりがっつり昼に眠ってしまうのが良くない。 朝起きて朝ごはんのために買い出しに行っ…

2024.01.10 そろそろ何かやろう

I'm at Gran Canalia. I spent my vacation here. It was really exited. I gonna go back Japan today. I'm waiting the time to flighgt. I stayed at my friend house. There is a beach in front of his house. I swimed everyday. I learned to shnowke…

2023.12.13 ホンモノのオタクは今期豚レバを見ている

昨日は久しぶりに大学の友達に会った。転職していてよかった。黒い会社に入っていたから、無事に脱出していた。 鶴見の暗い酒場でだらだら飲んだ。ホンモノのオタクは今期豚レバを見ている。 今日は会社に行った。いまは帰っている。

2023.12.12 グランカナリアへのお土産

有給にした。銀座に向かっている。来週から行くグランカナリアへのお土産としてラーメンを買うのだ。新潟のアンテナショップへ向かっている。 夏の終わりから結局ただの一度も復調しなかった。今年の前半の調子の良さが嘘のようだった。何も手につかず英語も…

2023.12.01 年末はこんなもん

ほぼ全ての習慣が破壊されてしまって何もやれてない。結局英語も大してやれてない。働く習慣さえ壊れ始めている。 たすけてくれ〜。と思うけど去年もこんな感じだったか?毎年はこんなもんだったかもしれない。

2023.11.27 やり過ぎな暴力と登場人物同士の緊張

会社に向かっている。11月はずっと低迷していたけどやっと復活してきた。いっそ1週間くらい休めたら良かったけど、短い休みをちょくちょく取って何とかなってきた。 日曜日は部屋でひたすら映画とアニメを見た。木曜日に見た北野武の首が良かったので、改め…

2023.11.13 多くは言えなかった

I went to Okutama to do BBQ with my friends yesterday. We did BBQ last year too. It was cool, we might get cold. I perticipated a debate practice meeting on Sturday. I did rebuttule for the first tgme. I did my best but I didn't say my opi…

2023.11.10 水曜日に熱も出てしまう

メンタルが低迷していて何もできない日が続いていた。水曜日には熱も出てしまった。どうしておれはこうなのだろう。 もう昔からこうだからどうしようもないな。

2023.10.20 その傾きを維持できなければ負けちゃうんじゃない

昨日は上司と話をした。おれの成長曲線っていうのを後輩たちに説明してあげなさいと言われた。最近入ってくる新人の子たちは僕らと時間軸が違うという相談をした。焦っている子が多いと。 おれの上司は、そういう子はどうどうと抑えてあげると言っていた。最…

2023.10.19 インターンが来るのを忘れる

I forgot the internsihp came to our office today. I was going to work from home today , but I decided to go to office. Today is day of Maisa Tsuno. She's the frontman of Akaikouen the band. She's oen of my rockstar. Her last album THE PARK…

2023.10.17 本とmacbookだけカバンに詰める

I got a day off today. I'm going to onsen at Toshimaen. I don't have anything to do. I don't know what to do. Maybe it's not good. I don't have any motivation to do something. So I packed some books and macbook and something in my backpack…

2023.10.14 東京に育てられようと思う

I'm going to practice meeting of the dibate circle I've been member since last month. Starting to go the circle, I've been feeling briefings in my company easily. Maybe because I learned the way for logiclly person. When I was assigned as …

2023.10.13 あそこならうちの親も来れる

I found it's difficult to create undo mechanism. But I wanted the coworker and the internship to think it up! I gonna think it today. I'll find a good solution. I went out for drinking with old people who are my friends in my favorite izak…

2023.10.10 あらゆるところを拭き取る

It was interesting to go to forest to see Higanbanas last Sunday. I felt healing something like that. I felt so good. So I cleaned my room yesterday. I throw what I don't use no longer away. I finally recoverd my room from durty. I'm going…

2023.10.08 西武線で遊びにいく

I'm going to Koma where is near Hanno to see Higanbanas. I found the place on Google map and decide to go there because it's like beautiful and interesting. The are a lot of the flowers by the river. It's animetic like Kimetsu! I wanna see…

2023.10.03 700題あり半分が終わった

I have been playing Shunkan Eisakubun which is a method for practicing English. The app show me Japanese sentence then I think English sentence for Japanese one. Plus, the app also show me correct English sentence. So, I can correct my ans…

20203.10.02 引っ越した方が安くつく

I wonder it's better to move my home from Ikebukro to somewhere. The cost in Ikebukuro is expensive. And I wanna live in other city in Tokyo. If I'll have staid in Tokyo for more 2 years, I can get back the moving cost. My position will be…

2023.09.30 退職金を年利5%で運用する

Today's my aniverary. I become to have worked in my company for 6 years and half. My company pays exstra money for person who have worked over 6.5 years when they quit them. How much the extra money is annual sallary. So it's my millestone…

2023.09.29 15時間働いて酒に酔う

I was asleep at my sofa. I coudn't go to bed. I went out for drinking to my favorite izakaya afte working. I've worked for 15 hours yesterday. It's clazy. I don't think anything. I was dlunk. I'm gonna my office now. I have a lot of someth…

2023.09.28 おじさんが朝早く起きているだけである

I got up early this morning to maintain our product. I'm done smoothly. When I was stuednt, I wondered how product maintained. This is answer. Some engineer just got up early. My dream comes true. I went English lesson yesterday. I don't s…

2023.09.22 彼女と作戦会議をする

I went to my office. I disscussed with the intern to improve his code. He's smart. Could I do smething for him...? I had one-on-one with my boss. I'm asked be interested in being a manager. But I want to go to Denmark next year. How do I b…

20203.09.22 3ターム目も喋らないといけない

I talked my experience in new business to internships again. The're 3 terms for internship. This is the 2nd term. Previous one is the 1st. I could adapt the content I talked. I decided to cocentlate in just engineering in new business. Bec…